West Kyushu Sasebo Area Development Company
Contact Address
〒857-0052 5-1-202 Matsuura-cho, Sasebo, Nagasaki
About the Company
Overview of West Kyushu Metropolitan Area
The area is located in North West of Kyushu and people have lived in this area from long ago. The number of the cave site is largest in Japan, and bean-size pottery in the oldest in the world were excavated. Also, there are lots of human transactions between Asian continent and this area and we have found many historical evidences with the continental cultures.
In old era from 16 century to middle of 19 century, Matsura Party ruled this area and kept 63,000 Koku in this area. In the Goto area, Goto Party with legendary Heike rulded the area and developed with whaling culture. Also, hidden Christianity history and culture are famous in this area.
And in these days, this area was designated as a part of the world heritage as Hidden Christian Sites of Nagasaki and Amakusa region. Not only with this, Hizen pottery area as a part of Japan Heritage and Kujukushima as a member of the Most Beautiful Bays in the World.
For the industrial point of view, fishery industry is famous as the large catch, and other industries such as shipbuilding, commerce, and agriculture represented by tea, orange and beef are well known in Japan.
Few earthquakes have come to this area and natural conditions with good land and weather have sustained our safe lives.
(Quoted by Vision of West Kyushu Metropolitan Area issued in March 2019)